We provide either consulting services, full core network solutions, end-to-end solutions for MVNO/E or core network elements and technical support.
Ouroboros brilliant team has developped in-house all the essential core networks elements that constitute a telecommunications network for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks.
Depending on the product or service to create, Ouroboros Advanced Mobile Telecommunication Platform (AMTP) is compliant with the standards and recommendations.
Claude Dehais CEO @ Ouroboros TelecomOur solutions are fully-compliant with 3GPP up to v19, ETSI, IETF RFC, GSMA, IT-U, French Federation of Telecom standards, and WWW and SMS forum recommendations.
3GPPOur solutions are fully-compliant with 3GPP up to v18, ETSI, IETF RFC, GSMA, IT-U, French Federation of Telecom standards, and WWW and SMS forum recommendations.